California Professional Firefighters

Urge Gov. Brown to Support Fallen Firefighter Families

Support the Families of California's Fallen Heroes

Urge Governor Brown to Sign AB 1373

Can you imagine the nightmare of being put "on the clock" while dying from a terminal illness caused by your job? Being told that if you live just one more day, your family will lose out on critical death benefits?

For too many of our brother and sister firefighters, that nightmare is something they face every day.

Governor Brown can put an end to this practice simply by signing AB 1373, CPF-sponsored legislation to shut off this arbitrary "death clock".

Urge Governor Brown to support the families of fallen heroes today.

Right now, families of fallen heroes only qualify for death benefits if he or she dies within 240 weeks of the diagnosis.

AB 1373 closes this cruel loophole and ensures that families get access to the benefits they deserve – and that's why AB 1373 passed the legislature with overwhelming bipartisan support.

We need your help getting the message out.

Please sign the petition urging Governor Brown to sign AB 1373.

Share this link and urge your friends and colleagues to sign as well.