California Professional Firefighters

Media Center

California's firefighters are always on the front lines - Protecting, educating and remaining watchful of our citizens, their families, friends, homes and places of business.

California Professional Firefighters is committed to advocating for the men and women who bravely put their lives on the line to protect the future of our shared communities.

We want to hear from you! If you've got pictures, video, articles or commentary that you'd like to share, please click HERE to help contribute.  


Whether it's teaching a class about health & safety, facing a structure engulfed in flames or standing up for what's right for first responders, being a firefighter in California is all about action.

CLICK HERE to see more videos of CPF members working for you.



CPF's award-winning member newspaper is now available online!

CLICK HERE to read the latest issue and see past issues.