California Professional Firefighters

Running for office? CPF can help!

Are you or someone you know a Firefighter that's considering running for office? CPF can help!

While the California Professional Firefighters regularly get involved with a variety of campaigns for state office, we generally leave Local races up to our Locals. However, if one of our members is running for a Local office, such as city council, county supervisor or school board, we can provide you with some of the necessary resources to get you there!

To be eligible for endorsement/financial support from CPF, a firefighter candidate must be a registered CPF member that found in good standing with his or her Local Union, be willing to prove their certified endorsement, as well as the endorsement from any other affected CPF Local Unions within jurisdiction.

If you meet these particular qualifications, please contact us at:

CPF Political Department
(916) 921-9111