California Professional Firefighters

Health and Safety

Health and Safety

The CPF Health and Safety Department recognizes the need to take care of our fire service family and is a dedicated resource to its members. After all, a career in Firefighting can be hazardous for a variety of reasons - exposure to chemical and biological dangers, preparation for changing regional elements, work-related stresses and remaining aware of some of the long-term effects are just some of the important reasons to stay conscious of the adverse health effects within our profession.

A big part of the health and safety process comes from our constant pursuit of proper sponsorship for the best legislation development possible. CPF Health and Safety provides members with the latest information in research and resources to ensure our firefighters' workplace is always on the forefront of safe practices. CPF works through the legislative and regulatory process to assure all firefighters have appropriate access to the benefits they need in the event that they have been injured in the line of duty or have sustained a work-related illness.

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions for safety and health issues common to many of our members.

CPF staff is also available to address your specific issues. Please contact CPF EMS/ Health & Safety Director Mike Feyh at or call (916) 921-9111