California Professional Firefighters

Finding Legislative Information

We know many of you keep close tabs on CPF's legislation. Here are some resources to help.

Following Legislation

With the following links, you can find information on them all.

Legislative Information Service (Search for California bills)

Digital Democracy (Searchable video database of legislative hearings)

THOMAS (Federal legislative information service)

Legislative Counsel (Legislature's legal arm)

Legislative Analyst's Office (Analyzes budget, key legislation)

The Legislative Process

Ever wonder what CPF's involvement in the legislative process is or would like to learn how to effectively lobby your elected representatives? Are you curious about how an idea or a concept becomes law or what folks are really saying when they tell you a bill has been placed on "Suspense" or is on the "Third Reading File"? Check out these links:

How a Bill Becomes a Law

Legis-Speak (CPF's translation of Capitol jargon)

Accessing California Government

Interested in learning how California's Legislature, Executive Branch and state agencies function and their relevance to firefighters? Check out the links below.

Overview of the State Legislature and Executive Branch

The Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) 

MMBA is the state law providing for collective bargaining between local government firefighters (among other recognized local government employees) and their employers over wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment.

The Department of Industrial Relations..."was established to improve working conditions for California's wage earners, and to advance opportunities for profitable employment in California."  Under the DIR umbrella, you'll find information on:

Workers' Compensation - claims settlement, benefits and rehabilitation for job-related injuries and illnesses;

Occupational Safety & Health - safe and healthful working conditions on the job;

Labor Law - wages, hours of work, and conditions of employment;

Apprenticeship - worksite job training to help meet skill needs of industry

Mediation & Conciliation - harmony in labor / management relations;

Statistics & Research - prevailing wage determinations, occupational injuries and illnesses, Consumer Price Index (CPI)

The California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS)

CalPERS manages pension and health benefits for more than 1.6 million California public employees, retirees and their families, including firefighters.

It's a defined benefit retirement plan meaning that it provides benefits based on a member's years of service, age and highest compensation. In addition, benefits are provided for disability and death, with payments in some cases going to survivors or beneficiaries of eligible members.

The CalPERS health benefits program offers members and contracting employers three health maintenance organizations, three preferred provider organizations and three special PPOs for members who belong to specific employee associations.

CalPERS Health Premiums update

CalPERS Return Rate update

Staying Current

Below are links to help keep you apprised of news and events happening in and around the State Capitol.

Rough and Tumble (Daily state government and public policy news)

California Channel (Cable network covering CA government that includes web-based audio and video feeds)

Capitol Weekly (Online Newspaper of CA government and politics)

Around the Capitol (CA political news and opinion)