California Professional Firefighters

New Sac Bee Editorial Attacks Important Survivor Benefit

The Sacramento Bee -- and its affiliated newspapers in Modesto, Fresno and Merced -- has renewed an attack on legislation aimed at easing a 100-year-old restriction on firefighter survivor benefits.

In a harsh, and in CPF's view, misleading editorial, the Bee took aim at AB 1373 (Perez). The CPF-sponsored legislation that modifies the century-old standard that denies benefits to widows or surviving children if a stricken firefighter takes longer than 240 weeks to die.

Currently, a 100 year old law sets an arbitrary time limit of 240 weeks on applications for survivor benefits. If a firefighter stricken with job-related cancer lives even one more day, his widow and surviving children lose that modest benefit. CPF-backed AB 1373 modifies this antiquated standard to reflect modern medicine and simple fairness.

Parroting talking points generated by the League of California Cities and other local government groups, the Bee claims that the proposal will add large new costs to local governments. In truth, this bill is very narrow and won't break any local government's back. 


AB 1373 -- One Page Fact Sheet


-- Click here to go to the Editorial at the Bee website. Respond in the comments section. Tell your story briefly. HERE are some suggested Response Points 

-- Write and submit a letter to the editor -- 150 words or less (Sample letters here, but please use your own words and make your point short.) Submit your letter at this link.Please send us a copy of anything you submit (

-- Share this with your colleagues, friends, neighbors and others you know who support firefighters. Ask them to write in to support firefighter survivor benefits.

The Bee's attacks last year got an important bill vetoed. It is essential that their "crusade" against public safety -- and that of the League of California Cities -- not be allowed to sway the governor this year.

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