California Professional Firefighters

Breaking News

November 9, 2016
United Firefighter Voice Speaks Volumes on Election Night

In a political world full of twists and turns, one thing remains constant: California voters trust their firefighters and will stand up for them on the issues that matter to their safety. 

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November 8, 2016
California Votes -- Tracking Pro-Firefighter Candidates

 Election night is here. Follow the state and local contests that will directly impact the lives and livelihoods of our first responders.

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November 8, 2016
LODD: Fire Captain Chris Cuzynski

San Gabriel Firefighters, Local 2197 is saddened to announce the passing of retired Fire Captain Chris Cuzynzki who died Friday October 28, 2016 of a job-related heart attack.

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October 6, 2016
CPF Bills Signed into Law

Governor Jerry Brown has put the wraps on the 2015-2016 legislative session, and pro-firefighter legislation has once again fared well. The govenor signed every one of the CPF-sponsored measures that reached his desk, as well as several that were co-sponsored by CPF.

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October 25, 2016
Proposition 53: A Reckless Attack on Local Control

Proposition 53 would have drastically erode the principle of local control in California, which is why California Professional Firefighters has come out strongly in opposition of the measure, making its defeat one of the union’s top political priorities for 2016.

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October 18, 2016
CPF Rolls Out Digital Voter Guide for Local, Statewide Endorsements

Beginning this election cycle, CPF will be taking the process of identifying firefighter-friendly candidates into the 21st century, rolling out a digital voter guide capable of highlighting federal, statewide and local candidates endorsed by the firefighters up and down the state . 

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October 5, 2016
Stand Down for the California Firefighters Memorial

The California fire service is asking all California firefighters and their families to honor our fallen on October 15th by participating — in person or online at the fire station — in the California Firefighters Memorial Ceremony.

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October 4, 2016
CPF Firevision - California Firefighters Memorial Stand Down

On October 15th, at 11:30am, California fire service leaders are asking departments to stand down on-duty personnel to watch the California Firefighters Memorial online. Off-duty personnel are being urged to attend the Memorial in Sacramento.

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September 26, 2016
Brown Signs CPF-Backed Law Putting CPR Training in Schools

 Gov. Jerry Brown has signed CPF-backed legislation -- AB 1719 by Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez -- that puts life-saving CPR training into California high schools.

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September 21, 2016
LODD: Ventura County Fire Engineer Ryan Osler

Ventura County Professional Firefighters Local 1364 is saddened to announce the passing of Fire Engineer Ryan Osler, who was killed this morning while responding to the Canyon Fire on Vandenberg Air Force Base. 

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