California Professional Firefighters

California Votes -- The Firefighter Agenda

Election night is here and California voters will be making decisions in legislative and local contests and ballot measures that will directly impact the lives and livelihoods of our first responders.

California Professional Firefighters has recommended firefighter-friendly candidates – Republicans and Democrats -- in 17 of the 20 state Senate races and 70 of the 80 Assembly contests. CPF has also made recommendations in 7 of the 17 ballot propositions.


In addition to state races, dozens of affiliated locals are investing their time and energy in support of local candidates who will make public safety a top priority. From Alameda to Vacaville, local races and ballot measures have the potential to have a substantially effect on the lives and livelihoods of professional firefighters. 

CPF will be updating local results through Election night and into Wednesday in these important contests.

Follow @CAFirefighters on social media – Facebook and Twitter – and we’ll try to update you on results on the contests that could mean the most to firefighters and their families. If your local has a high priority race, post it up in the Facebook comments and tag us on Twitter.