California Professional Firefighters

Prop. 32 Loses, Firefighters & Working Families Win

California’s firefighters earned a hard-fought but historic win in last night’s elections. And you helped make it happen.

Despite $60 million in spending – much of it from billionaire special interests – California voters rejected Proposition 32, a measure that would have silenced the voices of working people.

The final tally (pending absentee votes) had 56% of voters saying NO on 32. That margin is higher than the margin of victory in two previous fights over “paycheck deception”.

The other side lost ground despite spending $60 million against us,” said CPF President Lou Paulson. “This was truly a historic win.”

As they have so often, California’s firefighters stepped up and led in the fight. CPF members were the first to step forward with a special assessment to support the campaign against Prop. 32.

Because of this early commitment, President Paulson was named to lead the statewide No on 32 coalition – the Alliance for a Better California. Thanks to a strong team of grassroots coordinators, the commitment was translated into a motivated membership that left no doubt where firefighters stood on the issue.

As you have so often in the past, CPF members came up big in this fight,” said Paulson. “Thank you for standing tall and standing together. It is an honor to be a part of this great profession and this great organization."

Historic Win

The margin by which we defeated Prop. 32 was greater than either of the two previous attempts to silence our voice:

Prop. 226 (1998) – 47 yes, 53 NO

Prop. 75 (2005) – 46 yes, 54 NO

Prop. 32 (2012) – 44 yes, 56 NO

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