California Professional Firefighters

Firefighters Make Progress on Wildfires Throughout California

Wildfires UPDATE:

Rim Fire: 4,359 fire personnel working the Rim Fire. Blaze has grown to 235,841 acres (368.5 square miles), 75% contained, 5,506 structures threatened, 111 structures destroyed, five injuries reported. 4th largest fire in CA history.

Butler Fire: 375 fire personnel working the Butler Fire. 21,680 acres burned, 45% contained.

Salmon River Complex Fire: 14,809 acres burned, 100% contained.

Corral Complex Fire: 1,194 fire personnel working the Corral Complex Fire. 11,924 acres burned, 49% contained, 114 structures threatened, two injuries reported.

Photo: Don Bartletti / Los Angeles Times

READ: Firefighters Gaining Upper Hand on Rim Fire in Yosemite, Los Angeles Times