California Professional Firefighters

CPF Endorses Priya Sara Mathur for Re-election to CalPERS Board of Administration

ATTENTION PUBLIC AGENCY MEMBERS: CalPERS Board of Administration ballots due Monday, Sept. 29, 2014.

CalPERS has mailed out ballots for the 2014 election to fill two seats on the CalPERS Board of Administration.

In the race for the public agency representative seat, California Professional Firefighters endorses incumbent Priya Sara Mathur, who is currently vice president of the board and chairwoman of the Pension and Health Benefits Committee.

Priya Mathur has a proven track record of defending retirement security and has shown she will stand up for CPF members and all public workers. Since being elected to the board in 2003, she has served on every board committee, making her uniquely qualified to protect CalPERS’ fiscal health moving forward.

All CalPERS members, active or retired, as of July 1, 2014 are eligible to vote in the election.

Ballots must be mailed back and received by September 29.

Please don’t delay, the fiscal health of the CalPERS system greatly impacts your future and the future of public workers across the state! Locate your ballot and cast your vote for Priya Sara Mathur today.

For complete information about the election, CLICK HERE to visit the CalPERS Election website.