California Professional Firefighters

Prop. 32: A Fight We Can't Afford to Lose

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In 2012, firefighters and other workers are under attack … and everything is at risk! 

This November, the big-money special interests will try to steal our voice so they can steal everything else. Their weapon: Proposition 32 -- the Special Exemptions Act.

Stop The Special Exemptions Act!

What it does
  • Silences your voice. Bans voluntary dues deductions to keep firefighters from speaking out.
  • Protects big money. Corporations don’t charge dues: They can still spend … and spend.
  • Targets local politics. Redefines you as a “contractor”, so you can’t speak out in any election.
What’s at risk?
  • Public safety. Firefighters fight for staffing, stations and safety. Lose your voice and the public loses.
  • Negotiated contracts. Bargaining rights are under attack. Lose your voice, and you might not be able to negotiate anything.
  • Presumption laws. Cities hate presumption laws. Lose your voice, and these laws are first on the hit list.
  • Professional firefighting. Privateers want to bring low-wage, sub-standard firefighters here. Your job could be at risk.

Get The Facts and Stand Up for Your Future

Bookmark this page for the latest campaign updates, resources and information on how you can be a part of the fight for our future.

June 13, 2012
New Video Unmasks Deceptive Special Exemptions Act

The big money backers of the so-called "Stop Special Interest Money" initiative have a secret they don't want you to know: Their "fair and balanced" solution gives special exemptions that protect billionaire businessmen and corporate special interests. 

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Firefighters Take Stand at CPF Special Convention

Facing down an unprecedented anti-labor agenda sweeping toward California, delegates at this week’s California Professional Firefighters Special Convention committed to an all out fight against those who would steal the firefighter voice at the ballot box and the bargaining table. 

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