California Professional Firefighters

2012 Ballot Propositions

2012 Ballot Propositions

CPF Recommends …

NO on Proposition 32
Muzzles the voice of firefighters and other everyday Californians while creating special exemptions for super PACs and the super rich.

Other Ballot Propositions – CA Labor Federation

Because Proposition 32 is the single most critical vote in this year’s election, it is the only proposition on which CPF has taken a formal position.

For the convenience of members looking for labor-friendly positions on the other measures, the following are recommendations from the California Labor Federation –

Proposition 30 (School funding): YES
Proposition 31 (Threatens worker safety protections): NO
Proposition 32 (Special Exemptions Act): NO
Proposition 33 (Auto insurance): NO
Proposition 34 (Death penalty): YES
Proposition 35 (Human trafficking): YES
Proposition 36 (Three strikes law): YES
Proposition 37 (Genetically engineered foods): YES
Proposition 38 (Education tax increase): NO
Proposition 39 (Corporate tax change): YES
Proposition 40 (State Senate districts): YES

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