California Professional Firefighters

AZ Pro-32 Contributor Admits to Laundering Koch Money

 An Arizona-based "non-profit" that made a secret $11 million contribution to a Yes on Prop 32 committee has admitted to acting as an intermediary for a group connected to super rich oil magnates the Koch brothers.

The group -- Americans for Responsible Leadership -- was ordered to reveal the sources of its funding by the California Supreme Court, acting on a complaint from the Fair Political Practices Committee.

In a legal filing, the group acknowledged it received the money through two groups -- Americans for Job Security and the Center to Protect Patient Rights. Both groups have Koch ties, and each shifted $11 million to facilitate the contribution.

The money was donated to the Small Business Action Committee, which claims it never probed into the source of the funds.

According to the Fair Political Practices Committee, it's the largest case of campaign money laundering in California history.


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