California Professional Firefighters

State Lawmakers "Take the Heat" at CPF's Fire Ops 101

California legislators got a chance to spend some time in a firefighter's boots this June, and it was an eye-opener.

For the first time ever, California Professional Firefighters hosted a "Fire Ops 101" exercise June 6th at the State Capitol. For a full day, the Sacramento area's regional mobile training trailer was set up along the west steps of the State Capitol so that Senate and Assembly members can experience the weight of real turnouts, the heights of outstretched ladders, the power behind the fire hose, and other aspects of what it's like to be a firefighter in California.

Inside the trailer, controlled live-fire situations, including interior living room and kitchen incidents were re-created with propane tanks and theatrical smoke. The intense, 300+ degree heat was just a fraction of the real temperatures that firefighters face every day, but left legislators sweating!

"You can't truly understand what firefighters do every day unless you've experienced it firsthand," said CPF President Lou Paulson. "Fire Ops gives our state policy makers a chance to 

Nearly a dozen legislators, including Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, participated in Fire Ops. As they exited the training facility, many of them commented on not ever having a true idea of what fire service personnel really go through while on the job!

"Fire Ops 101" programs allow policy makers to understand the importance of their decisions and the impact they have on firefighters and, more importantly, the citizens they serve.

All of the Sacramento region's fire departments participated in the event, as did Sacramento Area Firefighters Local 522 to make Fire Ops 101 a huge success!

Below are some photos from the June 6th Fire Ops event. 

  • Steinberg exit
    Steinberg exit
  • Fire Blast burn trailer
    Fire Blast burn trailer
  • Three staff members ready for training
    Three staff members ready for training
  • Legislative staff feeling the pressure
    Legislative staff feeling the pressure
  • Three-person team
    Three-person team
  • CHP meets FD
    CHP meets FD
  • A little throttle goes a long way
    A little throttle goes a long way
  • Going in!
    Going in!
  • Assemblymembers Jim Beall and Richard Pan
    Assemblymembers Jim Beall and Richard Pan
  • Assembly Member Richard Pan mans the hose
    Assembly Member Richard Pan mans the hose
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