California Professional Firefighters

CPF Airs Post-Election Radio Spot Thanking Voters For Support

This week, CPF began airing a radio spot thanking Californians for their votes in support of firefighters in the recent election fight over Proposition 32, the Special Exemptions Initiative.

The “Thank You” spot features Sacramento area firefighter Pat Lynch. Lynch appeared in a television spot urging voters to reject Prop. 32, which would have silenced the voices of firefighters, teachers and other everyday workers. On November 6th, California voters decisively rejected Prop. 32

As firefighters, we have always enjoyed strong support from our fellow citizens and we try never to take it for granted,” said CPF President Lou Paulson. “Even though the campaign is over, we didn't want to let it slip into history without taking a little time to thank voters for supporting our position on the issue.

California Professional Firefighters was an early opponent of Prop. 32, and CPF President Lou Paulson served as chair of the statewide No on 32 committee, the Alliance for a Better California. The campaign was one of the most expensive in the state’s history, with combined expenditures topping $100 million.

Even though firefighters had a real stake in the outcome, we’re also Californians, and we know how tiring all the political advertising can get,” said Paulson. “We just wanted to thank our fellow citizens for taking the time to listen and trusting us with their vote.”

The spot, which began airing Tuesday morning, November 13, will run throughout the week on radio stations in Sacramento, Los Angeles and the Bay Area.

CLICK HERE to listen to the spot (to download, right-click the link and save to your hard drive)

CLICK HERE to read the text of the spot

CLICK HERE to watch the No on 32 spot featuring Sacramento area firefighter Pat Lynch.

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