California Professional Firefighters

Spread The Word: The Special Exemptions Act Not What It Seems

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The big money backers of the so-called "Stop Special Interest Money" initiative have a secret they don't want you to know: Their "fair and balanced" solution gives special exemptions that protect billionaire businessmen and corporate special interests.

This week, the Alliance for a Better California 2012 has launched a new web video setting the record straight about the so-called “Stop Special Interest Money Now Act,” which will appear on the November 2012 ballot. The measure’s backers claim the initiative is a “simple, fair and balanced solution” to the problem of big money in Sacramento. But the measure would more appropriately be called the “Special Exemptions Act” – because the supporters’ claims just don’t add up.

Click here to watch the video.

“This initiative is not what it seems,” said CPF President Lou Paulson, who also is president of the Alliance for a Better California 2012. “When you take a close look, it’s clear that this measure was intentionally written to create special exemptions for billionaire businessmen and corporate special interests, giving them even more political power to write their own set of rules."

"It's an unfair, unbalanced approach that will only limit the ability of everyday workers, like teachers, nurses and firefighters, to speak out on issues that matter to us all.”

The Special Exemptions Act is opposed by the state’s leading government reform groups including the League of Women Voters, California Common Cause, Public Citizen and the California Clean Money Campaign, along with nearly 100 public safety, labor, education, health care, consumer, environmental, religious, and seniors organizations.

Learn more about the Special Exemptions Act at the newly launched

The Alliance for a Better California and the Stop the Special Exemptions Act campaign represents more than two million teachers, firefighters, police officers, nurses, school employees, and workers in the manufacturing, retail, construction, health care and other industries.

Our members are everyday Californians -- workers, parents, and community leaders who support adequate school funding, fair wages and benefits, workplace safety, smaller class size in our schools, better health care for children and senior citizens, and safe communities with sufficient police and fire protection.

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