California Professional Firefighters

Super PAC With Koch Ties Gives Big to Prop. 32

The other shoe has dropped in the campaign to silence the voices of firefighters and working families.

An out-of-state front group with ties to the billionaire Koch brothers and hard-line strategist Karl Rove has dumped $4 million into the campaign to pass Proposition 32. The Iowa-based American Future Fund dropped a single $4 million check into a newly formed pro-32 PAC.  

Proposition 32 takes away the rights of everyday Californians to actively participate in the process while giving special exemptions to the Super PACs and the super rich.

The massive contribution unmasks the deceptive campaign by the billionaire special interests to take control of California’s political system,” said CPF President Lou Paulson, who chairs the No on 32 Committee. “If there was any doubt about who was really behind Prop. 32, it’s all crystal clear now.”

According to the national publication Politico, the American Future Fund is one of an array of Koch-financed entities. The AFF files no disclosure forms and, apparently has no offices – only a P.O. box at an Iowa UPS Store.

Basically, we’ve got billionaire oil barons and Super PACs swooping into California with millions of campaign dollars funneled through front groups,” said Paulson. "Now, more than ever, we need to come together to fight this brazen attempt to silence our voice and say NO to Prop. 32."

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SF Chronicle -- "Group w/ties to Koch Bros drops $4 million on Prop 32"

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