California Professional Firefighters

Proposition 32 -- "Miracle Grow" for Billionaires and Super PACs

The NO on 32 campaign has launched a new web video offering a look into the future of California’s political system if Proposition 32 passes in November. Prop 32 – also known as the Special Exemptions Act – was intentionally written to exempt Super PACs, which can raise unlimited amounts of money from business special interests and billionaires to influence elections.

Click here to watch the video.

Prop 32 was placed on the ballot by the Lincoln Club of Orange County, the ultra-conservative group that according to California Watch was the driving force behind the Citizens United Supreme Court decision that led to the recent explosion of Super PACs onto the national political scene.

In spite of the Yes on 32 campaign’s disingenuous claims that the act is somehow “Super PAC reform” – see the Ventura County Star's rebuttal that 32 “would do nothing of the sort” – Prop 32 does absolutely nothing to stop Super PACs.

If Prop 32 passes, Super PACs and committees backed by business special interests – which are free of many of the spending restrictions or transparency requirements that limit campaigns themselves – will become the primary way campaigns are funded in California. These outside groups have already spent more than $95,000,000 in California elections since 2004.

Prop 32 is opposed by the state’s leading government reform groups including the League of Women Voters, California Common Cause, Public Citizen and the California Clean Money Campaign, along with nearly 100 public safety, labor, education, health care, consumer, environmental, religious, and senior organizations. See the coalition urging a NO vote on 32 here.

Learn more about Prop 32 -- the Special Exemptions Act on our campaign website.

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