California Professional Firefighters

CPF Firevision -- L.A. Arsonist Parole Fight

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L.A. Arsonist Parole Fight

CPF Firevision is California Professional Firefighters' online video news service.

Keep Firefighter Killer Behind Bars: A little more than 32 years ago, L.A. City firefighter Tom Taylor died in an arson fire at a North Hollywood restaurant. The convicted murderer who set that fire is up for parole. CPF and UFLAC 112 believe he should stay in prison.

WRITE: A letter to the Parole Board urging them to deny parole for Mario Catanio

READ: Governor Brown's ruling denying parole to Mario Catanio from December, 2012

READ: Tom Taylor's story, with dramatic photos from the incident, at the L.A. Fire Historical Archive

READ: "Fireman's Comrades Mourn Death"

READ: "Family, Friends, Co-Workers Remember Beloved Firefighter"

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