California Professional Firefighters

Governor Signs Measure Extending Firefighters Memorial Tax Check-Off

Legislation honoring the sacrifice of California’s fallen firefighters and peace officers has been signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown.

Assembly Bill 1561 by Assemblymember Fred Rodriguez (D-Los Angeles) extends the current voluntary tax check-offs for the California Firefighters Memorial and the California Peace Officers Memorial. The voluntary check-off, originally slated to end in 2016, will be extended to 2021.

The legislation was co-sponsored by California Professional Firefighters and the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC).

The California Firefighters Memorial and Peace Officer’s Memorial check-offs allow taxpayers to show their support for fallen public safety officers and their families by donating a portion of their state tax refund. For the firefighters’ memorial, proceeds go to the California Fire Foundation, CPF’s 501(c)3 not-for-profit public benefit organization. Donations for the peace officers memorial go to the California Peace Officers Memorial Foundation, Inc.

The California Firefighters Memorial, located in the center of Capitol Park in Sacramento, honors the sacrifice of more than 1,200 fallen California first responders. Proceeds from the tax check-off allow for continuing maintenance and repair of the Memorial without using taxpayer funds. The California Firefighters Memorial is the only self-sustaining memorial on the grounds of the State Capitol.

The Peace Officer’s Memorial, located across the street from the Capitol, is maintained and repaired through the Peace Officers Memorial check-off.

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