California Professional Firefighters

Why CPF Endorses Jerry Brown for Governor

Jerry Brown

Whether it's their brothers and sisters on the front lines or their leaders in Sacramento, California's firefighters live by a simple motto: We stand up for those who stand up with us.

As Californians, firefighters are also concerned about the direction our state is taking, and the budget challenges that threaten their lives and livelihoods.

After interviewing all of the major Republican and Democratic candidates for governor, California Professional Firefighters believes that, for firefighters and their families, the choice is clear: Attorney General Jerry Brown.

Standing Up for Firefighter Families

During his first stint as governor, from 1975 to 1983, Jerry Brown made history on behalf of California's firefighters.

  • Governor Brown signed the nation's first firefighter cancer presumption law, the foundation of workers' compensation protection for front line firefighters and their families;
  • Governor Brown appointed the first line firefighter to serve as California State Fire Marshal, guaranteeing a voice for front line firefighters in setting state fire policy;
  • Governor Brown signed the bill that created the California Fire Fighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee, the nation's model firefighter training and recruitment organization;
  • Governor Brown authorized collective bargaining for state employees, building a core protection for, among others, CAL FIRE firefighters.

"Any one of these achievements by itself would justify our support for Jerry Brown," said CPF President Lou Paulson. "When you're looking for a record of support, it's hard to think of anyone else that comes close."

Experience That Makes A Difference

When confronting the daunting challenges facing California, it helps to know what you're doing. At nearly every level of service, Jerry Brown has been there, done that, and made a difference.

As governor, his record on behalf of firefighters and their families is clear. But Brown was also known for frugal fiscal policies and strong public safety support. As California's attorney general, Brown has been tough on crime and cracked down on corporate irresponsibility. He has also insured balance and clarity in drafting summaries for initiatives such as those attacking retirement security and employee rights.

Sharing Our Values

Running California calls for more than just a resume. When interviewing the candidates, CPF pushed hard on the issues that will make a difference in the lives of its members: retirement security, safety on the job, collective bargaining rights and funding for state and local disaster response.

In all of these areas, Brown stood out.

  • Retirement security: Brown was the only candidate who stood fast in support of a secure pension for firefighters and their families;
  • Collective bargaining: Brown was the only candidate committed to working with employees through the collective bargaining process;
  • Fire service resources: Brown was the only candidate who supported finding more resources to save our endangered mutual aid response.

"Jerry Brown doesn't run down public employees ... he stands up for them," said Paulson.

Vision for California's Future

During his first term as governor, Chicago columnist Mike Royko dubbed Brown "Governor Moonbeam." Why? Because Jerry Brown proposed modernizing disaster response by launching an emergency communications satellite. It turns out that "Governor Moonbeam" was ahead of his time.

"If we're really going to fix California's ills, we can't settle for the same old partisan rhetoric," said Paulson. "Jerry Brown is the original 'outsider'. The difference is, he's an 'outsider' who knows how to get things done."

CPF doesn't endorse on the basis of party affiliation - we judge candidates on their past history, their shared values and their vision for the future. CPF believes that, by all of these measures, Jerry Brown is the right choice for governor.