California Professional Firefighters

CPF Co-Sponsors Unique Election Post-Mortem

What were the voters saying in the November election and what does it mean for the state's future?

These were some of the questions addressed at a unique forum staged two days after the November election with support from California Professional Firefighters.

The daylong session featured campaign participants and experts breaking down the results of the November 2nd general election. California Professional Firefighters provided printing and advertising services, through Firefighters Print & Design.

"In a sense, the November election was just the beginning of a series of challenges facing our state," said CPF President Lou Paulson. "We were pleased to be able to bring experts from across the spectrum to help make sense of the elections, and provide insight to what the future holds."

Sessions were held on the statewide contests, the initiative races, and what the incoming administration will face. You can read some of their comments on page 2, in our post-election analysis.