California Professional Firefighters

NFPA 1710 ... The Industry Standard for Resources and Response

When lives are on the line, every second counts ... and every firefighter matters.

As fire departments become all-risk operations, the ability to respond quickly and decisively makes the difference between life and death.

In 2001, CPF and IAFF joined with the International Association of Fire Chiefs in securing passage of NFPA 1710. This widely-recognized industry standard makes it clear that fire apparatus should be staffed with four persons, and should be positioned to respond within five minutes of receiving a call (one minute for turnout, four minutes for response).

CPF and IAFF are committed to helping our affiliates secure this vital standard for their communities. Below are links to documents and resources to help you make the case that NFPA 1710 is essential for the safety of your citizens and your community.


IAFF-produced video about NFPA 1710