California Professional Firefighters

Attention CPF Locals: Help Your Retirees Stay In Touch

The California Professional Firefighters (CPF) has developed the Callback Association to help you further connect with your retirees. Firefighting is a lifelong commitment, one that doesn’t necessarily have to end at retirement. The Callback Association was established to preserve that commitment by maintaining a communications link with firefighters when they retire from the fire service. 

The Callback Association's primary objective is to inform retirees regarding the issues they care most about. Through regular updates, Callback Association members hear timely news about legislation and the numerous ways in which CPF and their local union are working together to protect and enhance the benefits they earned.

Callback Association members continue to express a high level of satisfaction. One retiree summarized his feelings about the program in this way, "the Callback Association keeps me in touch with the activities of the legislature and with the people I was close to for 30 years. Both are important to me."

You can get your retirees involved in the Callback Association in one of two ways…

  • Enroll your Retirees in the Callback Association
    One option is to have your entire retiree membership enrolled in the Callback. Membership dues are $1 per member per month. Basic membership dues are $12 per year.

  • Purchase a membership in the Callback Association
    The second option available is to purchase a one-year membership in the Callback Association when the individual member retirees. This is a great way to say "good-bye" and to express the importance of staying involved and informed. You can also purchase membership for past retirees.

Order Certificates for Retirement Dinners

Provide us with your retiree’s name, rank, and years of service and we will mail you a retirement certificate which commends the retiree for the years of dedicated service to the department. There is no charge.

For more information, e-mail the Callback Association staff at or call (916) 569-0880.