UFLAC Local 112 Again Fights to Keep Arsonist Behind Bars

An arsonist convicted of murder in the death of a brother firefighter is up for parole and, once again, United Firefighters Local 112 is leading the fight to keep him behind bars.

Mario Catanio was convicted of murder in the death of Los Angeles firefighter Thomas Taylor. The 34-year-old died in a horrific fall in a blistering North Hollywood fire later proven to have been started by Catanio as part of an insurance fraud scheme.

On September 29, 2016, Catanio will have his third parole hearing in four years at Solano State Prison in Vacaville. Thanks to hundreds of letters written by firefighters, family members and citizens, Catanio has remained behind bars. In 2012 and 2015, the State Parole Board granted parole, but the action was overturned by Gov. Jerry Brown.

Ahead of the parole hearing, Local 112 is again asking all our union brothers and sisters to write letters in opposition to Catanio's release. You can get more info, including letter-writing info and a sample letter, at www.uflac.org

Letters must be postmarked by Sept. 13, or brought to UFLAC offices by Sept. 13th. 

WATCH: CPF Firevision report from 2013 tells the story of Brother Taylor's murder and the strong effort by Local 112 and their union brothers and sisters to keep his killer behind bars.