Never Forget

Museum puts 9/11 experience online


The New York museum dedicated to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on Wednesday launched an interactive, blow-by-blow album of the traumatic day. Hopefully the timeline can continue to show how some families have moved forward with strength, honoring in their loved ones with different projects, as presented in our film: "From The Ground Up - 10 Years After 9/11" Help us get his film finished with a donation, and please ask your friends and family to help.  

Read more: Museum puts 9/11 experience online

Kevin outside E40

Kevin Shea in front of his firehouse locker Kevin Shea, in front of his Firehouse locker on January 10, 2002, was found covered with debris and drifting in and out of consciousness by a Daily News photographer and resque workers. The last thing he remembers about September 11 is getting permission to look for his 35 Truck Brothers.

Kevin Shea (survivor)

Kevin Shea in debris September 11,2001, 10am

"Assigned to Ladder 35, Upper West Side Manhattan. Responded to incident while off-duty. Remember being in the South Tower lobby before the collapse. During collapse, I was blown towards Albany and West. Sustained serious injuries including a broken neck and multiple trauma. Crawled 200 feet till surrendered to condition. Was found unconscious at intersection of Albany and West. Was rescued and evacuated for medical treatment. Survived, unlike 11 of my brothers in my firehouse. Stay committed to helping them.
Thanks for all your support."

Read more: Kevin Shea (survivor)

Lawrence Virgilio

Name: Lawrence Virgilio

Age: 38

Residence: New York, NY, United States

Occupation: Firefighter, Fire Department New York

Location: World Trade Center

Related Website: Fallen Brothers Foundation

John Ginley

[Lt. John F. Ginley]
Name: Lieutenant John F. Ginley

Age: 37

Residence: Warwick, NY, United States

Occupation: Firefighter, Fire Department New York
Engine 40

Location: World Trade Center

About: John Ginley grew up with a lot of tradition in his family. His father is a New York City Firefighter and four of his brothers are as well. That's why they say he was born to fight fires. Ginley was on a rapid rise to the rank of Captain before Sept. 11. He is remembered as a devoted husband and father, a "one-of-a-kind" brother, a determined Firefighter, and the heart of a close firefighting family. He was 37.

Related Website: Fallen Brothers Foundation

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